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Georgina Mortreux Art


Bratislava Abstraktne obrazy, abstracts, farebne obrazy, obrazy do bytu, obrazy do interieru, mortreux, georgina mortreux, artworks, abstract art, abstract paintings, obrazy na predaj, obrazy na stenu, predaj obrazov, pekne obrazy, abstract artworks for sale, art for sale, abstract paintings for sale, tyrkysove obrazy, modre obrazy, ruzove obrazy,umelec, umelecke dielo,

Welcome! I am Georgina, an abstract artist

We can paint an art piece, but an art piece we can also create by the way we live. Life stories of each and everyone of us are unique that make a mark in the world. They consist of moments, emotions, events that form us to our current state and that provides the miraculous „life sauce“.

With my paintings I am telling colorful stories, singing my songs. I invite you to discover your own, maybe already forgotten moments, stories by the means of which you can put together your own art piece and to which you can dress up your soul and your home.


possibility of free paintings visualization in your interior


Color is a language that does not belong to any country or nation



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